以前认为股四头肌由四个头组成即股直肌、股中肌、股外肌和股内肌。 但是最近国外学者Grob K发现在临床解剖中发现的肌肉和书本上的不同,于是乎发现在股外侧肌和股中肌中...
但是最近国外学者Grob K发现在临床解剖中发现的肌肉和书本上的不同,于是乎发现在股外侧肌和股中肌中间还有一块儿肌肉。这块肌肉被命名为The tensor vastus intermedius(伸股外肌) 。
The quadriceps femoris
is traditionally described as a muscle group composed of the rectus
femoris and the three vasti. However, clinical experience and
investigations of anatomical specimens are not consistent with the
textbook deion. We have found a second tensor-like muscle between
the vastus lateralis (VL) and the vastus intermedius (VI), hereafter
named the tensor VI (TVI). The aim of this study was to clarify whETHer
this intervening muscle was a variation of the VL or the VI, or a
separate head of the extensor apparatus. Twenty-six cadaveric lower
limbs were investigated. The architecture of the quadriceps femoris was
examined with special attention to innervation and vascularization
patterns. All muscle components were traced from origin to insertion and
their affiliations were determined. A TVI was found in all dissections.
It was supplied by independent muscular and vascular branches of the
femoral nerve and lateral circumflex femoral artery. Further distally,
the TVI combined with an aponeurosis merging separately into the
quadriceps tendon and inserting on the medial aspect of the patella.
Four morphological types of TVI were distinguished: Independent-type
(11/26), VI-type (6/26), VL-type (5/26), and Common-type (4/26). This
study demonstrated that the quadriceps femoris is architecturally
different from previous deions: there is an additional muscle
belly between the VI and VL, which cannot be clearly assigned to the
former or the latter. Distal exposure shows that this muscle belly
becomes its own aponeurosis, which continues distally as part of the
quadriceps tendon. Clin. Anat. 29:256-263, 2016. © 2015 Wiley
Periodicals, Inc.